Thursday, August 8, 2013

Red Cone opening 6/30/13

The reports coming from the Forest Service were very good, and it looks like we actually may have waited just a little too long to open Red Cone. However, the timing was still good. Dillon Ranger district opened up Saint Johns, and the Middle Forks on Friday, and we came through to open Webster and red Cone on Sunday. We had a very large group which was very welcomed as we had some trail repair to complete. The rangers on the South Platte side had asked us to remove some trees off of the fence on their side, so we started there with the chainsaw.

On the way up the trail, we only encountered a couple trees across the trail, which was way better than the 8 we had in the first mile last year. We reached the rock garden in no time.

Above treeline, there was no signs of snow on the trail. Once we reached the top, you could easily see the giant snow cornice still covering the return route of Webster Pass.

Morgan headed down the hill first so he could check out just how big the drift n Webster was. It turned out to be MASSIVE!

There was no way we could get Webster opened on that side, so we continued down the Montezuma side where we had some fencing to repair.

We stopped for lunch at the turn off for radical hill just as the rain came pouring in. Once it cleared up, a number of us headed to Radical to play in the snow a bit as we hadn't encountered any all day.

We hit some large snow fields as the rain started to roll in again, so we packed up and headed out leaving the gate open behind us. Thanks again to everyone who helped out that day!

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